Any school or early childcare center can participate in Mississippi Farm to School Week and National Farm to School Month. Each year, Mississippi Farm to School Network Challenges School Districts and Early Childcare Centers to give farm to school a try in October: buy a local food to serve on cafeteria trays or do an activity in the school garden. The Challenge offers three routes:
Procurement Challenge: Highlight a local menu item throughout the week. You can invite a farmer to visit, or visit a local farm to further engage your students in farm to school. The theme is “Lettuce Thrive” highlighting locally grown seasonal lettuce, but feel free to serve any local food. MS Farm to School Network can help connect you to farmers and facilitate the procurement process if you need. Prizes for participating in this challenge will include promotional items like posters, stickers, and other items related to local procurement.
Garden Challenge: Kickstart your garden by planting some seeds or do an activity or lesson in the garden! Prizes will include seeds and other garden supplies. If possible, the MS Farm to School Network team will be happy to come out and help with garden work.
Supreme Challenge (Procurement & Garden): Participate in both the Procurement and the garden challenge.
If you are interested in registering your district or school, please complete the registration form here: Registration Form
MS Farm to School Network will also help with garnering media attention for participating schools. Happy National Farm to School Month and Mississippi Farm to School Week!